Injection Molding with Thermosets

Thermoset parts and components may be manufactured in similar molding processes as thermoplastics such as nylon, ABS, and polypropylene. The most popular molding processes for thermosets are injection, compression, injection-compression hybrid, transfer, and insert molding. Each molding process offers various benefits and disadvantages which molders and OEM’s must compare with their product requirements before building the tooling to mold parts.

Why Choose Injection Molding for Your Thermoset Parts?

Manufacturers and molders may select an injection molding process for their thermoset application for a variety of reasons, mostly with cost and product throughput in mind. Injection molding offers a cost-efficient option for high-volume programs requiring many parts in a shorter time span. Injection molding offers a faster cycle time over a compression molding process, allowing molders to produce more parts in an hour or set duration than they would be able to produce with a compression mold. Additionally, injection molding is more suitable for high-cavitation molds, further increasing throughput over compression or transfer molding processes. With multi-cavitation tooling, each molding shot produces more parts than with a single cavity, which is limited to one part per shot or cycle.

Due to the faster cycle times and ability for high-cavitation tooling, injection molding can offer drastically lower unit pricing over parts produced from a transfer or compression molding process. Markets such as the automotive and appliance industries rely on thermoset injection molding to produce high volume, cost-effective parts to put to market in a short time span.

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